Thoughts on Creativity

“Timmy, the little furnace, was a sturdy little box made of sheet metal and rivets to hold him tight. He was filled with all types of components that helped him produce warm air that would swirl out of vents found all over the Russell household.  One particular morning, Timmy awoke at the exact time as he had for over 32 years, (he was built and went to spend his life with the Russell family in 1987) but, something about that very cold Chicago morning just did not feel right. It was his dedicated job to fill the house with wonderful warm air before the family awoke to start their day. His start-up pattern of “buzz, hum and click” did not echo throughout the long boxes of duct work in the walls of the house on that particular morning”.

I created the beginnings of this short story the other morning as I was just waking up and my ideas started to commence.  I am well familiar with the “buzz, hum and click” upon start-up that a furnace exudes.  I have been taught many aspects within the field of HVAC as my husband worked commercially in that capacity for over 30 years. Every morning in the winter I still wait for that little trio of sounds before dawn.  It makes me feel safe and comfortable and within seconds I know I will feel the wonderful warm air on my face from the vent by my bed.

Creativity by definition is “the use of the imagination or having original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work”.   Ones creative mind can succumb to paper, clay, canvas, a musical instrument and so many other expressions.  Creativity is an extension of yourself and surprisingly, being creative does not mean that you as a person has to even be musically inclined or artistic at all.  You may be a problem solver instead.  You may solve intricate math problems or be able to fix and repair that little furnace I have just created. 

Creativity has no limits and it is no stranger to any scenario.  All of us have the ability to empower our pen to paper, our hands to clay, lend an ear to music or solve that math problem that has an open invitation to be calculated on the school chalkboard.  Take the time to analyze what is appealing and interesting to yourself.  When you find that special activity that sparks your creative side, there is time and much effort involved in order to receive your reward of happiness and satisfaction of accomplishment.